Slovenian American Times
Slovenian American News

65th KRES Anniversary Celebration

Folklorna skupina Kres

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Folklorna skupina Kres will be celebrating its 65th anniversary this year with a performance at the Slovenian National Home on Saturday, August 10.  Doors open at 6:00PM with the performance beginning at 7:00PM.  Take a walk down memory lane as dancers from all age groups perform both stylized and regional numbers from years past.  The evening will continue with lively music from the talented Veseli Godci.

Entrance Tickets will be $15 for adults, $10 for children ages 6-17 and kids 5 and under get in free. For ticket/table reservations, please contact Jane Leksan at (216) 470-5990 or Beth Ribic at (440) 840-5178.  Everyone is most welcome to attend.


Folklorna skupina KRES bo praznovala 65. obletnico delovanja. Praznovanje bo potekalo v Slovenskem narodnem domu v soboto dne 10. avgusta s pričetkom ob 6 uri popoldne. Proslava bo začela ob 7 uri. Po bogatem programu boste uživali ob zvokih Veselih Godcev.

Vstopnice so na voljo za $15 za odrasle in po $10 za otroke od 6 do 17 leta starosti. Otroci pod 5 let imajo vstop prost. Za vstopnice pokličite Jane Leksan na 216 470 5990 ali Beth Ribic na 440 840 5178. Vsi lepo vabljeni!




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