Slovenian American Times
Slovenian American News

Folklorna Skupina Kres Picnic

at Slovenska Pristava

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On Saturday, August 11, over 70 members from all of Folklorna Skupina Kres’s age groups performed at the Slovenska Pristava.  Hundreds of guests attended the event on what a beautiful summer day with barely a cloud in the sky.  The performance included several lively stylized polkas, a traditional folklore number from the region of Premurkje, a toe-tapping swing number and a romantic waltz.  The talented Alpine Sextet played afterwards to a packed dance floor with shouts of “Rom Pompom Se Ne Gremo Domov” following zadnji ples at the end of the evening.  Linda Plecnik and her staff prepared a variety of different foods with delicious desserts made by Kres parents and members at the bake sale.  Many walked away that evening with one of the many wonderful baskets donated by Kres parents for the raffle.

A sincere thank you to everyone who came out that day, who donated to our raffles and bake sale and those who volunteered countless hours to not only making this event a success, but to helping Kres continue as a wonderful youth organization.


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